Tennis with Skills: Game, Set and Match?

Whilst being passionate about skills development in a global context, and 3 years on; I read a continuous stream of publications from ‘intelligent organisations’ and policy makers, about the lack of skills defined by employers, in the workplace. The global ‘skills crisis’. Buzzwords galore, the issues are relatively similar wherever you go in the world

Education Reforms in India – November 2012 Update

Having read The Times of India article on education reforms, I thought it useful to share some reflection on the Higher Education statistics, shared by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development for India. The infographic supplied with this blog, highlights some pertinent points for education reform in India. Also, quoted in the article

Employability – Benefits for All

Interview with Margaret Kelvey (Learning and Development Consultant (UK) from Kelvey Associates. Margaret is a highly knowledgable senior manager, with significant experience of working in employability and widening participation initiatives, across the UK. I believe there is significant learning and knowledge we can take from the knowledge and experience shared in this interview, that supports