#Leadership Perspectives from East to West

This is my recent blog working with Nisha Raghavan (@TheHRBuddy) on cross-cultural leadership from East and West. I hope you enjoy this article; shared on http://www.nisharaghavan.com. http://nisharaghavan.com/leadership-perspectives-from-east-to-west/ I look forward to your feedback and leadership thoughts as #WorldSkillsLeaders and to be part of this global leadership evolution (World Skills Leadership Café hosted on Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/117118118643945675488)

Competences and Professional Standards: The Missing Link

Thought for the Day A number of competence driven workforce development models are having an impact in service design cross-sector. There is growing interest globally in setting skills standards for world-class global competitiveness in skills and retaining top talent. However, establishing HR driven, organisational specific, succession planning is never easy in a multi-disciplinary context. The

Diversity, Management and Communications

All views represented here are personal views [Prabhjit Kaur] Firstly, I would like to share my heartfelt condolences with those that have recently fallen victim of a horrific attack, which took place yesterday on vulnerable Sikhs, in Wisconsin (US). This has been a trigger for my blog today. I hope we will have some healthy

Enabling Leadership and Spiritual Intelligence

A weekend of reflection, time out to develop the business and work matters, made me think of ways in which we can establish a relaxed, valued yet inspired organisation to innovate. In the UK, we are celebrating Adult Learning Week with lots of fantastic initiatives, wellbeing programmes, learning tasters, through key partners and collaborations. Inspired